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XEmacs 21.5 HTML Manuals

These manuals are generated from XEmacs CVS texinfo source files by use of a bugfixed version of texi2html at xemacsweb/Texi2html. Almost all applicable changes have been merged back to its new home at Texi2HTML - Open Source Texinfo to HTML Conversion Script.

XEmacs 21.5

* XEmacs: (xemacs). XEmacs Editor.
* Lispref: (lispref). XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual.
* Intro: (new-users-guide). Introduction to the XEmacs Editor.
* FAQ: (xemacs-faq). XEmacs FAQ.
* Info: (info). Documentation browsing system.
* Internals: (internals). XEmacs Internals Manual.
* Beta: (beta). Info on beta versions of XEmacs.

Other Documentation

* Common Lisp: (cl). XEmacs Common Lisp emulation package.
* Customizations: (custom). Customization Library.
* Emodules: (emodules). XEmacs dynamically loadable module support.
* External Widget: (external-widget). External Client Widget.
* Standards: (standards). GNU coding standards.
* Term mode: (term). XEmacs Terminal Emulator Mode.
* Termcap: (termcap). Termcap library of the GNU system.
* Texinfo: (texinfo). The GNU documentation format.
* Widgets: (widget). The Emacs Widget Library.

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