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A. @-Command List

Here is an alphabetical list of the @-commands in Texinfo. Square brackets, [ ], indicate optional arguments; an ellipsis, ‘’, indicates repeated text.

More specifics on the general syntax of different @-commands are given in the section below.


An @ followed by a space, tab, or newline produces a normal, stretchable, interword space. See section Multiple Spaces.


Produce an exclamation point that ends a sentence (usually after an end-of-sentence capital letter). See section Ending a Sentence.


Generate an umlaut or acute accent, respectively, over the next character, as in ö and ó. See section Inserting Accents.


Force a line break. See section @* and @/: Generate and Allow Line Breaks.


Generate a cedilla accent under c, as in ç. See section Inserting Accents.


Insert a discretionary hyphenation point. See section @- and @hyphenation: Helping TeX Hyphenate.


Produce a period that ends a sentence (usually after an end-of-sentence capital letter). See section Ending a Sentence.


Produces no output, but allows a line break. See section @* and @/: Generate and Allow Line Breaks.


Tell TeX to refrain from inserting extra whitespace after an immediately preceding period, question mark, exclamation mark, or colon, as TeX normally would. See section Not Ending a Sentence.


Generate a macron (bar) accent over the next character, as in ō. See section Inserting Accents.


Produce a question mark that ends a sentence (usually after an end-of-sentence capital letter). See section Ending a Sentence.


Stands for an at sign, ‘@’. See section Inserting @ and {} and ,.


Stands for a backslash (‘\’) inside @math. See section math.


Generate a circumflex (hat) or grave accent, respectively, over the next character, as in ô and è. See section Inserting Accents.


Stands for a left brace, ‘{’. See section Inserting @ and {} and ,.


Stands for a right-hand brace, ‘}’.
See section Inserting @ and {} and ,.


Generate a tilde accent over the next character, as in Ñ. See section Inserting Accents.


Generate the uppercase and lowercase Scandinavian A-ring letters, respectively: Å, å. See section Inserting Accents.


Indicate a general abbreviation, such as ‘Comput.’. See section abbr.


Indicate an acronym in all capital letters, such as ‘NASA’. See section acronym.


Generate the uppercase and lowercase AE ligatures, respectively: Æ, æ. See section Inserting Accents.


Change page dimensions for the A5 paper size. See section Printing on A4 Paper.


Change page dimensions for the A4 paper size. See section Printing on A4 Paper.

@alias new=existing

Make the command ‘@new’ a synonym for the existing command ‘@existing’. See section @alias new=existing.


Define name as the current location for use as a cross-reference target. See section @anchor.

@appendix title

Begin an appendix. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks. See section The @unnumbered and @appendix Commands.

@appendixsec title
@appendixsection title

Begin an appendix section within an appendix. The section title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs. @appendixsection is a longer spelling of the @appendixsec command. See section Section Commands.

@appendixsubsec title

Begin an appendix subsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens. See section Subsection Commands.

@appendixsubsubsec title

Begin an appendix subsubsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with periods. See section The ‘subsub’ Commands.


Generate a right arrow glyph: ‘’. Used by default for @click. See section Click Sequences.


Used following @table, @ftable, and @vtable to print the table’s first column without highlighting (“as is”). See section Making a Two-column Table.

@author author

Typeset author flushleft and underline it. See section The @title and @author Commands.


Set text in a bold font. No effect in Info. See section Fonts for Printing, Not Info.


Generate a large round dot, • (‘*’ in Info). Often used with @table. See section @bullet.


Stop formatting a file. The formatters do not see anything in the input file following @bye. See section Ending a Texinfo File.

@c comment

Begin a comment in Texinfo. The rest of the line does not appear in any output. A synonym for @comment. See section Comments.


Define the full caption for a @float. See section @caption & @shortcaption.


Highlight an example or quotation by drawing a box with rounded corners around it. Pair with @end cartouche. No effect in Info. See section Drawing Cartouches Around Examples.)

@center line-of-text

Center the line of text following the command. See section @center.

@centerchap line-of-text

Like @chapter, but centers the chapter title. See section @chapter.

@chapheading title

Print an unnumbered chapter-like heading, but omit from the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks. See section @majorheading and @chapheading.

@chapter title

Begin a numbered chapter. The chapter title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks. See section @chapter.

@cindex entry

Add entry to the index of concepts. See section Defining the Entries of an Index.


Highlight the name of a book or other reference that has no companion Info file. See section @cite.


Represent a single “click” in a GUI. Used within @clicksequence. See section Click Sequences.

@clicksequence{action @click{} action}

Represent a sequence of clicks in a GUI. See section Click Sequences.

@clickstyle @cmd

Execute @cmd for each @click; the default is @arrow. The usual following empty braces on @cmd are omitted. See section Click Sequences.

@clear flag

Unset flag, preventing the Texinfo formatting commands from formatting text between subsequent pairs of @ifset flag and @end ifset commands, and preventing @value{flag} from expanding to the value to which flag is set. See section @set @clear @value.


Indicate an expression, a syntactically complete token of a program, or a program name. Unquoted in Info output. See section @code.


Insert a comma ‘,’ character; only needed when a literal comma would be taken as an argument separator. See section Inserting ‘,’ with @comma{}.


Indicate a command name, such as ls. See section @command.

@comment comment

Begin a comment in Texinfo. The rest of the line does not appear in any output. A synonym for @c. See section Comments.


Print a complete table of contents. Has no effect in Info, which uses menus instead. See section Generating a Table of Contents.


Generate the copyright symbol ©. See section @copyright{}.

@defcodeindex index-name

Define a new index and its indexing command. Print entries in an @code font. See section Defining New Indices.

@defcv category class name
@defcvx category class name

Format a description for a variable associated with a class in object-oriented programming. Takes three arguments: the category of thing being defined, the class to which it belongs, and its name. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@deffn category name arguments
@deffnx category name arguments

Format a description for a function, interactive command, or similar entity that may take arguments. @deffn takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the name of this particular entity, and its arguments, if any. See section Definition Commands.

@defindex index-name

Define a new index and its indexing command. Print entries in a roman font. See section Defining New Indices.

@definfoenclose newcmd, before, after

Must be used within @ifinfo; create a new command @newcmd for Info that marks text by enclosing it in strings that precede and follow the text. See section definfoenclose’: Customized Highlighting.

@defivar class instance-variable-name
@defivarx class instance-variable-name

Format a description for an instance variable in object-oriented programming. The command is equivalent to ‘@defcv {Instance Variable} …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@defmac macroname arguments
@defmacx macroname arguments

Format a description for a macro; equivalent to ‘@deffn Macro …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@defmethod class method-name arguments
@defmethodx class method-name arguments

Format a description for a method in object-oriented programming; equivalent to ‘@defop Method …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@defop category class name arguments
@defopx category class name arguments

Format a description for an operation in object-oriented programming. @defop takes as arguments the name of the category of operation, the name of the operation’s class, the name of the operation, and its arguments, if any. See section Definition Commands, and Object-Oriented Programming.

@defopt option-name
@defoptx option-name

Format a description for a user option; equivalent to ‘@defvr {User Option} …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@defspec special-form-name arguments
@defspecx special-form-name arguments

Format a description for a special form; equivalent to ‘@deffn {Special Form} …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@deftp category name-of-type attributes
@deftpx category name-of-type attributes

Format a description for a data type; its arguments are the category, the name of the type (e.g., ‘int’) , and then the names of attributes of objects of that type. See section Definition Commands, and Data Types.

@deftypecv category class data-type name
@deftypecvx category class data-type name

Format a description for a typed class variable in object-oriented programming. See section Definition Commands, and Object-Oriented Programming.

@deftypefn category data-type name arguments
@deftypefnx category data-type name arguments

Format a description for a function or similar entity that may take arguments and that is typed. @deftypefn takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the type, the name of the entity, and its arguments, if any. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@deftypefun data-type function-name arguments
@deftypefunx data-type function-name arguments

Format a description for a function in a typed language. The command is equivalent to ‘@deftypefn Function …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@deftypeivar class data-type variable-name
@deftypeivarx class data-type variable-name

Format a description for a typed instance variable in object-oriented programming. See section Definition Commands, and Object-Oriented Programming.

@deftypemethod class data-type method-name arguments
@deftypemethodx class data-type method-name arguments

Format a description for a typed method in object-oriented programming. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@deftypeop category class data-type name arguments
@deftypeopx category class data-type name arguments

Format a description for a typed operation in object-oriented programming. See section Definition Commands, and Object-Oriented Programming.

@deftypevar data-type variable-name
@deftypevarx data-type variable-name

Format a description for a variable in a typed language. The command is equivalent to ‘@deftypevr Variable …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@deftypevr category data-type name
@deftypevrx category data-type name

Format a description for something like a variable in a typed language—an entity that records a value. Takes as arguments the category of entity being described, the type, and the name of the entity. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@defun function-name arguments
@defunx function-name arguments

Format a description for a function; equivalent to ‘@deffn Function …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@defvar variable-name
@defvarx variable-name

Format a description for a variable; equivalent to ‘@defvr Variable …’. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.

@defvr category name
@defvrx category name

Format a description for any kind of variable. @defvr takes as arguments the category of the entity and the name of the entity. See section Definition Commands, and Def Cmds in Detail.


Mark the (optional) detailed node listing in a master menu. See section Parts of a Master Menu.


Indicate the introductory or defining use of a term. See section @dfn.

@dircategory dirpart

Specify a part of the Info directory menu where this file’s entry should go. See section Installing Info Directory Files.


Begin the Info directory menu entry for this file. Pair with @end direntry. See section Installing Info Directory Files.


Begin a kind of example. Like @example (indent text, do not fill), but do not select a new font. Pair with @end display. See section @display.


Format a unit of measure, as in 12pt. Causes TeX to insert a thin space before dimension. No effect in Info. See section @dmn.


Enter Docbook completely. Pair with @end docbook. See section Raw Formatter Commands.


Set the document description text, included in the HTML output. Pair with @end documentdescription. See section @documentdescription.

@documentencoding enc

Declare the input encoding to be enc. See section @documentencoding.

@documentlanguage CC

Declare the document language as the two-character ISO-639 abbreviation CC. See section @documentlanguage.


Generate a dot accent over the character c, as in ȯ. See section Inserting Accents.


Generate an ellipsis, ‘’. See section @dots.

@email{address[, displayed-text]}

Indicate an electronic mail address. See section @email.


Emphasize text, by using italics where possible, and enclosing in asterisks in Info. See section Emphasizing Text.

@end environment

Ends environment, as in ‘@end example’. See section @-commands.


Indicate an environment variable name, such as PATH. See section @env.


Generate an end-of-sentence ellipsis, like this: ... See section @dots{}.

@enumerate [number-or-letter]

Begin a numbered list, using @item for each entry. Optionally, start list with number-or-letter. Pair with @end enumerate. See section @enumerate.


Indicate to the reader the exact equivalence of two forms with a glyph: ‘’. See section @equiv{} (≡): Indicating Equivalence.


Generate the Euro currency sign. See section @euro{}.


Indicate to the reader with a glyph that the following text is an error message: ‘error-->’. See section @error{} (error-->): Indicating an Error Message.

@evenfooting [left] @| [center] @| [right]
@evenheading [left] @| [center] @| [right]

Specify page footings resp. headings for even-numbered (left-hand) pages. See section How to Make Your Own Headings.

@everyfooting [left] @| [center] @| [right]
@everyheading [left] @| [center] @| [right]

Specify page footings resp. headings for every page. Not relevant to Info. See section How to Make Your Own Headings.


Begin an example. Indent text, do not fill, and select fixed-width font. Pair with @end example. See section @example.

@exampleindent indent

Indent example-like environments by indent number of spaces (perhaps 0). See section Paragraph Indenting.


Generate an upside-down exclamation point. See section Inserting Accents.

@exdent line-of-text

Remove any indentation a line might have. See section Undoing the Indentation of a Line.


Indicate the result of a macro expansion to the reader with a special glyph: ‘’. See section → Indicating an Expansion.


Highlight the name of a file, buffer, node, directory, etc. See section @file.


Prevent TeX from printing large black warning rectangles beside over-wide lines. See section Overfull “hboxes”.

@findex entry

Add entry to the index of functions. See section Defining the Entries of an Index.


Environment to define floating material. Pair with @end float. See section Floats.


Do not fill text; left (right) justify every line while leaving the right (left) end ragged. Leave font as is. Pair with @end flushleft (@end flushright). @flushright analogous. See section @flushleft and @flushright.


Enter a footnote. Footnote text is printed at the bottom of the page by TeX; Info may format in either ‘End’ node or ‘Separate’ node style. See section Footnotes.

@footnotestyle style

Specify an Info file’s footnote style, either ‘end’ for the end node style or ‘separate’ for the separate node style. See section Footnotes.


Begin a kind of example. Like @display, but do not indent. Pair with @end format. See section @example.

@ftable formatting-command

Begin a two-column table, using @item for each entry. Automatically enter each of the items in the first column into the index of functions. Pair with @end ftable. The same as @table, except for indexing. See section @ftable and @vtable.


Generate a greater-than-or-equal sign, ‘≥’. See section @geq{} (≥) and @leq{} (≤): Inserting relations.


Disallow page breaks within following text. Pair with @end group. Ignored in Info. See section @group.


Generate the long Hungarian umlaut accent over c, as in ő.

@heading title

Print an unnumbered section-like heading, but omit from the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs. See section Section Commands.

@headings on-off-single-double

Turn page headings on or off, and/or specify single-sided or double-sided page headings for printing. See section The @headings Command.


Begin a heading row in a multitable. See section Multitable Rows.


Enter HTML completely. Pair with @end html. See section Raw Formatter Commands.

@hyphenation{hy-phen-a-ted words}

Explicitly define hyphenation points. See section @- and @hyphenation.


Set text in an italic font. No effect in Info. See section Fonts for Printing, Not Info.

@ifclear txivar

If the Texinfo variable txivar is not set, format the following text. Pair with @end ifclear. See section @set @clear @value.


Begin text that will appear only in the given output format. @ifinfo output appears in both Info and (for historical compatibility) plain text output. Pair with @end ifdocbook resp. @end ifhtml resp. @end ifinfo. See section Conditionally Visible Text.


Begin text to be ignored in one output format but not the others. @ifnothtml text is omitted from HTML output, etc. Pair with the corresponding @end ifnotformat. See section Conditionally Visible Text.


Begin text to appear in output other than Info and (for historical compatibility) plain text. Pair with @end ifnotinfo. See section Conditionally Visible Text.


Begin text that will appear only in the plain text output. Pair with @end ifplaintext. See section Conditionally Visible Text.

@ifset txivar

If the Texinfo variable txivar is set, format the following text. Pair with @end ifset. See section @set @clear @value.


Begin text to appear only in the TeX output. Pair with @end iftex. See section Conditionally Visible Text.


Begin text that will appear only in the XML output. Pair with @end ifxml. See section Conditionally Visible Text.


Begin text that will not appear in any output. Pair with @end ignore. See section Comments and Ignored Text.

@image{filename, [width], [height], [alt], [ext]}

Include graphics image in external filename scaled to the given width and/or height, using alt text and looking for ‘filename.ext’ in HTML. See section Inserting Images.

@include filename

Read the contents of Texinfo source file filename. See section Include Files.


Indicate text that is a uniform resource locator for the World Wide Web. See section @indicateurl.

@inforef{node-name, [entry-name], info-file-name}

Make a cross reference to an Info file for which there is no printed manual. See section Cross references using @inforef.

\input macro-definitions-file

Use the specified macro definitions file. This command is used only in the first line of a Texinfo file to cause TeX to make use of the ‘texinfo’ macro definitions file. The backslash in \input is used instead of an @ because TeX does not recognize @ until after it has read the definitions file. See section Texinfo File Header.


Indicate the beginning of a marked paragraph for @itemize and @enumerate; indicate the beginning of the text of a first column entry for @table, @ftable, and @vtable. See section Lists and Tables.

@itemize mark-generating-character-or-command

Begin an unordered list: indented paragraphs with a mark, such as @bullet, inside the left margin at the beginning of each item. Pair with @end itemize. See section @itemize.


Like @item but do not generate extra vertical space above the item text. Thus, when several items have the same description, use @item for the first and @itemx for the others. See section @itemx.


Indicate characters of input to be typed by users. See section @kbd.

@kbdinputstyle style

Specify when @kbd should use a font distinct from @code. See section @kbd.


Indicate the name of a key on a keyboard. See section @key.

@kindex entry

Add entry to the index of keys. See section Defining the Entries of an Index.


Generate the uppercase and lowercase Polish suppressed-L letters, respectively: Ł, ł.


Generate the LaTeX logo. See section TeX and LaTeX.


Generate a less-than-or-equal sign, ‘≤’. See section @geq{} (≥) and @leq{} (≤): Inserting relations.


Begin an example of Lisp code. Indent text, do not fill, and select fixed-width font. Pair with @end lisp. See section @lisp.


Produce a table-of-contents-like listing of @floats. See section @listoffloats: Tables of Contents for Floats.


Change subsequent chapters to sections, sections to subsections, and so on. See section @raisesections and @lowersections.

@macro macroname {params}

Define a new Texinfo command @macroname{params}. Pair with @end macro. See section Defining Macros.

@majorheading title

Print an unnumbered chapter-like heading, but omit from the table of contents. This generates more vertical whitespace before the heading than the @chapheading command. See section @majorheading and @chapheading.


Format a mathematical expression. See section @math - Inserting Mathematical Expressions.


Mark the beginning of a menu of nodes. No effect in a printed manual. Pair with @end menu. See section Menus.


Generate a minus sign, ‘-’. See section @minus.

@multitable column-width-spec

Begin a multi-column table. Begin each row with @item or @headitem, and separate columns with @tab. Pair with @end multitable. See section Multitable Column Widths.

@need n

Start a new page in a printed manual if fewer than n mils (thousandths of an inch) remain on the current page. See section @need.

@node name, next, previous, up

Begin a new node. See section @node.


Prevent text from being indented as if it were a new paragraph. See section @noindent.


Suppress validation of node references and omit creation of auxiliary files with TeX. Use before @setfilename. See section Pointer Validation.


Generate the uppercase and lowercase O-with-slash letters, respectively: Ø, ø.

@oddfooting [left] @| [center] @| [right]
@oddheading [left] @| [center] @| [right]

Specify page footings resp. headings for odd-numbered (right-hand) pages. See section How to Make Your Own Headings.


Generate the uppercase and lowercase OE ligatures, respectively: Œ, œ. See section Inserting Accents.


Indicate a command-line option, such as ‘-l’ or ‘--help’. See section @option.


Start a new page in a printed manual. No effect in Info. See section @page.

@pagesizes [width][, height]

Change page dimensions. See section @pagesizes [width][, height]: Custom Page Sizes.

@paragraphindent indent

Indent paragraphs by indent number of spaces (perhaps 0); preserve source file indentation if indent is asis. See section Paragraph Indenting.

@pindex entry

Add entry to the index of programs. See section Defining the Entries of an Index.


Indicate the position of point in a buffer to the reader with a glyph: ‘’. See section Indicating Point in a Buffer.


Generate the pounds sterling currency sign. See section @pounds{}.


Indicate printed output to the reader with a glyph: ‘-|’. See section @print{} (-|): Indicating Printed Output.

@printindex index-name

Generate the alphabetized index for index-name (using two columns in a printed manual). See section Printing Indices and Menus.

@pxref{node, [entry], [node-title], [info-file], [manual]}

Make a reference that starts with a lower case ‘see’ in a printed manual. Use within parentheses only. Only the first argument is mandatory. See section @pxref.


Generate an upside-down question mark. See section Inserting Accents.


Narrow the margins to indicate text that is quoted from another work. Takes optional argument of prefix text. Pair with @end quotation. See section @quotation.


Set text in the regular roman font. No effect in Info. See section Fonts for Printing, Not Info.


Change subsequent sections to chapters, subsections to sections, and so on. See section @raisesections and @lowersections.

@ref{node, [entry], [node-title], [info-file], [manual]}

Make a plain reference that does not start with any special text. Follow command with a punctuation mark. Only the first argument is mandatory. See section @ref.


This command used to refill and indent the paragraph after all the other processing has been done. It is no longer needed, since all formatters now automatically refill as needed, but you may still see it in the source to some manuals, as it does no harm.


Generate the legal symbol ®. See section @registeredsymbol{}.


Indicate the result of an expression to the reader with a special glyph: ‘’. See section @result.


Generate a ring accent over the next character, as in o*. See section Inserting Accents.


Indicate a literal example of a sequence of characters, in general. Quoted in Info output. See section @samp.


Set text in a sans serif font if possible. No effect in Info. See section Fonts for Printing, Not Info.


Set text in a small caps font in printed output, and uppercase in Info. See section @sc{text}: The Small Caps Font.

@section title

Begin a section within a chapter. The section title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs. Within @chapter and @appendix, the section title is numbered; within @unnumbered, the section is unnumbered. See section @section.

@set txivar [string]

Define the Texinfo variable txivar, optionally to the value string. See section @set @clear @value.

@setchapternewpage on-off-odd

Specify whether chapters start on new pages, and if so, whether on odd-numbered (right-hand) new pages. See section @setchapternewpage.


Put the table of contents after the ‘@end titlepage’ even if the @contents command is at the end. See section Generating a Table of Contents.

@setfilename info-file-name

Provide a name to be used for the output files. This command is essential for TeX formatting as well, even though it produces no output of its own. See section @setfilename.


Place the short table of contents after the ‘@end titlepage’ command even if the @shortcontents command is at the end. See section Generating a Table of Contents.

@settitle title

Specify the title for page headers in a printed manual, and the default document description for HTML ‘<head>’. See section @settitle.


Define the short caption for a @float. See section @caption & @shortcaption.


Print a short table of contents, with chapter-level entries only. Not relevant to Info, which uses menus rather than tables of contents. See section Generating a Table of Contents.

@shorttitlepage title

Generate a minimal title page. See section @titlepage.


Set text in a slanted font if possible. No effect in Info. See section Fonts for Printing, Not Info.


Cause TeX to produce a printed manual in a 7 by 9.25 inch format rather than the regular 8.5 by 11 inch format. See section Printing Small Books. Also, see @small… Block Commands.


Begin a kind of example. Like @smallexample (narrow margins, no filling), but do not select the fixed-width font. Pair with @end smalldisplay. See section @small… Block Commands.


Begin an example. Do not fill, select fixed-width font, narrow the margins. Where possible, print text in a smaller font than with @example. Pair with @end smallexample. See section @small… Block Commands.


Begin a kind of example. Like @smalldisplay, but do not narrow the margins. Pair with @end smallformat. See section @small… Block Commands.


Begin an example of Lisp code. Same as @smallexample. Pair with @end smalllisp. See section @small… Block Commands.

@sp n

Skip n blank lines. See section @sp.


Generate the German sharp-S es-zet letter, ß. See section Inserting Accents.

@strong {text}

Emphasize text more strongly than @emph, by using boldface where possible; enclosed in asterisks in Info. See section Emphasizing Text.

@subheading title

Print an unnumbered subsection-like heading, but omit from the table of contents of a printed manual. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens. See section @unnumberedsubsec @appendixsubsec @subheading.

@subsection title

Begin a subsection within a section. The subsection title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens. Same context-dependent numbering as @section. See section @subsection.

@subsubheading title

Print an unnumbered subsubsection-like heading, but omit from the table of contents of a printed manual. In Info, the title is underlined with periods. See section The ‘subsub’ Commands.

@subsubsection title

Begin a subsubsection within a subsection. The subsubsection title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with periods. Same context-dependent numbering as @section. See section The ‘subsub’ Commands.

@subtitle title

In a printed manual, set a subtitle in a normal sized font flush to the right-hand side of the page. Not relevant to Info, which does not have title pages. See section @title @subtitle and @author Commands.


Print a short table of contents. Synonym for @shortcontents. See section Generating a Table of Contents.

@syncodeindex from-index to-index

Merge the index named in the first argument into the index named in the second argument, formatting the entries from the first index with @code . See section Combining Indices.

@synindex from-index to-index

Merge the index named in the first argument into the index named in the second argument. Do not change the font of from-index entries. See section Combining Indices.


Set text in a fixed-width, typewriter-like font. No effect in Info. See section Fonts for Printing, Not Info.


Separate columns in a row of a multitable. See section Multitable Rows.

@table formatting-command

Begin a two-column table (description list), using @item for each entry. Write each first column entry on the same line as @item. First column entries are printed in the font resulting from formatting-command. Pair with @end table. See section Making a Two-column Table. Also see @ftable and @vtable, and @itemx.


Generate the TeX logo. See section TeX and LaTeX.


Enter TeX completely. Pair with @end tex. See section Raw Formatter Commands.


Only allowed in a heading or footing. Stands for, respectively, the number and name of the current chapter (in the format ‘Chapter 1: Title’), the current chapter name only, the current chapter number only, the filename, the current page number, and the title of the document, respectively. See section How to Make Your Own Headings.


Generate a normal interword space at which a line break is not allowed. See section @tie{}.


Generate a tie-after accent over the next two characters cc, as in ‘oo[’. See section Inserting Accents.

@tindex entry

Add entry to the index of data types. See section Defining the Entries of an Index.

@title title

In a printed manual, set a title flush to the left-hand side of the page in a larger than normal font and underline it with a black rule. Not relevant to Info, which does not have title pages. See section The @title @subtitle and @author Commands.


In a printed manual, print text in a larger than normal font. See section The @titlefont @center and @sp Commands.


Begin the title page. Write the command on a line of its own, paired with @end titlepage. Nothing between @titlepage and @end titlepage appears in Info. See section @titlepage.


Insert the current date, in ‘1 Jan 1900’ style. See section How to Make Your Own Headings.

@top title

Mark the topmost @node in the file, which must be defined on the line immediately preceding the @top command. The title is formatted as a chapter-level heading. The entire top node, including the @node and @top lines, are normally enclosed with @ifnottex ... @end ifnottex. In TeX and texinfo-format-buffer, the @top command is merely a synonym for @unnumbered. See section Creating Pointers with makeinfo.


Generate a breve, underbar, or underdot accent, respectively, over or under the character c, as in ŏ, o_, ọ. See section Inserting Accents.

@unnumbered title

Begin a chapter that appears without chapter numbers of any kind. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with asterisks. See section @unnumbered and @appendix.

@unnumberedsec title

Begin a section that appears without section numbers of any kind. The title appears in the table of contents of a printed manual. In Info, the title is underlined with equal signs. See section Section Commands.

@unnumberedsubsec title

Begin an unnumbered subsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with hyphens. See section @unnumberedsubsec @appendixsubsec @subheading.

@unnumberedsubsubsec title

Begin an unnumbered subsubsection. The title appears in the table of contents. In Info, the title is underlined with periods. See section The ‘subsub’ Commands.

@uref{url[, displayed-text][, replacement}
@url{url[, displayed-text][, replacement}

Define a cross reference to an external uniform resource locator, e.g., for the World Wide Web. See section @uref.


Generate check accent over the character c, as in o<. See section Inserting Accents.


Insert the value, if any, of the Texinfo variable txivar, previously defined by @set. See section @set @clear @value.


Highlight a metasyntactic variable, which is something that stands for another piece of text. See section Indicating Metasyntactic Variables.

@verb{delim literal delim}

Output literal, delimited by the single character delim, exactly as is (in the fixed-width font), including any whitespace or Texinfo special characters. See section verb.


Output the text of the environment exactly as is (in the fixed-width font). Pair with @end verbatim. See section verbatim.

@verbatiminclude filename

Output the contents of filename exactly as is (in the fixed-width font). See section verbatiminclude.

@vindex entry

Add entry to the index of variables. See section Defining the Entries of an Index.

@vskip amount

In a printed manual, insert whitespace so as to push text on the remainder of the page towards the bottom of the page. Used in formatting the copyright page with the argument ‘0pt plus 1filll’. (Note spelling of ‘filll’.) @vskip may be used only in contexts ignored for Info. See section Copyright Page.

@vtable formatting-command

Begin a two-column table, using @item for each entry. Automatically enter each of the items in the first column into the index of variables. Pair with @end vtable. The same as @table, except for indexing. See section @ftable and @vtable.


Disallow line breaks within text. See section @w.


Enter XML completely. Pair with @end xml. See section Raw Formatter Commands.

@xref{node, [entry], [node-title], [info-file], [manual]}

Make a reference that starts with ‘See’ in a printed manual. Follow command with a punctuation mark. Only the first argument is mandatory. See section @xref.

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A.1 @-Command Syntax

The character ‘@’ is used to start special Texinfo commands. (It has the same meaning that ‘\’ has in plain TeX.) Texinfo has four types of @-command:

1. Non-alphabetic commands.

These commands consist of an @ followed by a punctuation mark or other character that is not part of the alphabet. Non-alphabetic commands are almost always part of the text within a paragraph. The non-alphabetic commands include @@, @{, @}, @., @SPACE, most of the accent commands, and many more.

2. Alphabetic commands that do not require arguments.

These commands start with @ followed by a word followed by left- and right-hand braces. These commands insert special symbols in the document; they do not require arguments. For example, @dots{} ⇒ ‘’, @equiv{} ⇒ ‘’, @TeX{} ⇒ ‘TeX’, and @bullet{} ⇒ ‘’.

3. Alphabetic commands that require arguments within braces.

These commands start with @ followed by a letter or a word, followed by an argument within braces. For example, the command @dfn indicates the introductory or defining use of a term; it is used as follows: ‘In Texinfo, @@-commands are @dfn{mark-up} commands.

4. Alphabetic commands that occupy an entire line.

These commands occupy an entire line. The line starts with @, followed by the name of the command (a word); for example, @center or @cindex. If no argument is needed, the word is followed by the end of the line. If there is an argument, it is separated from the command name by a space. Braces are not used.

Thus, the alphabetic commands fall into classes that have different argument syntaxes. You cannot tell to which class a command belongs by the appearance of its name, but you can tell by the command’s meaning: if the command stands for a glyph, it is in class 2 and does not require an argument; if it makes sense to use the command together with other text as part of a paragraph, the command is in class 3 and must be followed by an argument in braces; otherwise, it is in class 4 and uses the rest of the line as its argument.

The purpose of having a different syntax for commands of classes 3 and 4 is to make Texinfo files easier to read, and also to help the GNU XEmacs paragraph and filling commands work properly. There is only one exception to this rule: the command @refill, which is always used at the end of a paragraph immediately following the final period or other punctuation character. @refill takes no argument and does not require braces. @refill never confuses the XEmacs paragraph commands because it cannot appear at the beginning of a line. It is also no longer needed, since all formatters now refill paragraphs automatically.

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